Peanut Butter Heaven

What’s better than peanut butter? Not much. So on my day off this week I decided that I would make some peanut butter blondies. With peanut butter m&ms. And peanut m&ms. I’m 100% thankful that I never had a peanut allergy because life would suck without any of those things.  I give everyone who has a peanut allergy my very, very sincere apologies on what you’re missing out on here.

Anyway, if I haven’t mentioned how much I love peanut butter then here it is one more time… oh wait, a little drool just happened. As I’m sitting here eating one of these peanut butter blondies I’m thinking to myself how perfect the combination of peanut butter and chocolate is. Now I’m not a huge chocolate person but with peanut butter…mmm mmm! IMG_1665This is very easy to make. I had all the ingredients in my house already so it was very convenient to just throw together. What I used was:

1 1/2 cup peanut butter m&ms
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted melted butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 handfull of peanut m&ms

As you can see I used Peter Pan creamy peanut butter because well I like Peter Pan. That’s it. No baking reason, but I get that kind because I’m a kid at heart who never wants to grow up. Now, in my opinion there was waaaaaay to many m&ms in this blondie and the opinion was seconded by the taste tester. I would probably use about a cup next time. Between mixing them in and spreading them on top of the bars it was just too much. I added about a handful of peanut m&ms to the top of the bars to add a little crunch in there. The blondies do come out very soft and a little under-cooked but that’s what makes them SO good. I’m not a fan of the crunch from the peanut m&ms but I did it anyway. To make them, you don’t use a mixer so it’s all old-fashioned wooden spoon fun. By the way, I was alone so I got to lick the spoon ALL. BY. MY. SELF. Talk about being a kid again! Remember the memories of your grandma baking and getting to lick, well, everything you could find that was coated with the batter? That was me.

The picture to the right is the order in which you combine everything. IMG_1666First, take the melted butter and sugar and mix it together until it gets pretty creamy. Then, add your vanilla and egg to the mixture. Mix it all together until its nice and smooth then add your peanut butter. The peanut butter takes the longest with the wooden spoon but it makes everything worth it in the end. Make sure you mix the peanut butter in well with everything else. After your mixture is smooth, add the salt and flour. It will finally start looking like a wet dough and you can start getting excited. Finally, add about a little over half of the m&ms to the mixture and mix it. Don’t worry if the m&ms start to break, it’s not a big deal. Pop them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 25-30 minutes. The sides will look a little crunchy and the middle will still be a little under-cooked but take them out. I promise you it will cook a little more but the little bit of raw dough that’s in the middle will be heaven.

I got a very happy look of approval upon this tasty treat being eaten so I’m sure any other peanut butter lover will enjoy eating it as well. But, that’s basically all for this blog. I’m having a lot of fun coming up with little things to write about and giving you all something to read while your peanut butter filled bellies rest.